On Thursday, January 14, 23 years ago, I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of a little sister. I had just turned 4 years old the month prior and I could. not. wait. for her to get here.
I mean, I'm guessing that's how I felt. I don't remember anything from when I was 4 years old. But, we'll just say that's how it was. I'm sure there was none of that sibling jealously going on. Surely. No way possible.

I mean, I'm guessing that's how I felt. I don't remember anything from when I was 4 years old. But, we'll just say that's how it was. I'm sure there was none of that sibling jealously going on. Surely. No way possible.

Through the years Sarah has put up with a lot of stuff from her siblings.
This one time she got a new baby doll. I'm going to guess she was no older than 5, which would mean I was no older than 9. Well, I guess I wanted the baby doll (in all honestly, I really don't remember), but I took that sucker, colored ALL. OVER. IT. with red lipstick, planted it in her hands, and then yelled for Mama.
She got a big whippin' for that one.
Then there was this one Christmas where Leah, Ed, and I each had an extra Martha Washington Ball (coconut, sugar, nuts and something else covered in chocolate, and actually it might have been an extra 2 or 3) when our Grandma had specifically told us not to eat any more. She had counted.
Well evidently she really had counted because she came back, saw there weren't as many there as when she left and came asking who did it. I don't know if we worked out that we were going to blame Sarah or not, but she sure enough did get the blame.
I'm pretty sure she got a whippin' for that one too.
How about one that doesn't involve corporal punishment? Because y'all are probably thinking what AWFUL siblings we were. ;)
She and I were really young. She was probably no older than 3 and we liked to play in the hall closet underneath the stairs in our old house. Well I got it in my head to feed her dog biscuits one day and tell her they were something else. I can't remember if I said popcorn or cookies. But I fed my little sister dog biscuits. And she ate. them. up.
Thankfully I don't think she got sick. Because, I probably would have got in major trouble.
I share all of this with you to let you know that Sarah is ridiculously special to us. Special to me. She has changed my life in so many ways. I'm a better person because she's my little sister. I thank God that He didn't give her to some other family. Even though there have been days (particularly, when I was in high school and she was in junior high) where I thought, I WISH YOU WEREN'T MY SISTER. I'm sure I've told her that before. I'm beginning to think I really was mean. ;)
She sent me a card for my birthday that said something to the affect of "Sisters are the friends you never get a chance to choose" and that's so true.
I'm glad we're friends. But more importantly, I'm glad we're sisters. :)
Below is a video that Mom recorded of Hadley (our niece) singing 'Happy Birthday' to Sarah.
We love you Sarah! Hope your day is wonderful and blessed :)
This one time she got a new baby doll. I'm going to guess she was no older than 5, which would mean I was no older than 9. Well, I guess I wanted the baby doll (in all honestly, I really don't remember), but I took that sucker, colored ALL. OVER. IT. with red lipstick, planted it in her hands, and then yelled for Mama.
She got a big whippin' for that one.
Then there was this one Christmas where Leah, Ed, and I each had an extra Martha Washington Ball (coconut, sugar, nuts and something else covered in chocolate, and actually it might have been an extra 2 or 3) when our Grandma had specifically told us not to eat any more. She had counted.
Well evidently she really had counted because she came back, saw there weren't as many there as when she left and came asking who did it. I don't know if we worked out that we were going to blame Sarah or not, but she sure enough did get the blame.
I'm pretty sure she got a whippin' for that one too.
How about one that doesn't involve corporal punishment? Because y'all are probably thinking what AWFUL siblings we were. ;)
She and I were really young. She was probably no older than 3 and we liked to play in the hall closet underneath the stairs in our old house. Well I got it in my head to feed her dog biscuits one day and tell her they were something else. I can't remember if I said popcorn or cookies. But I fed my little sister dog biscuits. And she ate. them. up.
Thankfully I don't think she got sick. Because, I probably would have got in major trouble.
I share all of this with you to let you know that Sarah is ridiculously special to us. Special to me. She has changed my life in so many ways. I'm a better person because she's my little sister. I thank God that He didn't give her to some other family. Even though there have been days (particularly, when I was in high school and she was in junior high) where I thought, I WISH YOU WEREN'T MY SISTER. I'm sure I've told her that before. I'm beginning to think I really was mean. ;)
She sent me a card for my birthday that said something to the affect of "Sisters are the friends you never get a chance to choose" and that's so true.
I'm glad we're friends. But more importantly, I'm glad we're sisters. :)
Below is a video that Mom recorded of Hadley (our niece) singing 'Happy Birthday' to Sarah.
We love you Sarah! Hope your day is wonderful and blessed :)
Dog biscuits??? Seriously????