I just had to sit in amazement at God's timing this morning. I picked up a book months ago entitled "Voices of the Faithful" (inspiring stories of courage from Christians serving around the World) and was reading today's selection. God knew just what all of us that knows and loves Sarah Hebert needed today, I found it no coincidence that the devotional today was exactly perfect!
"What Saying Yes Means" -by Jessica serving our Lord in Central Asia
"He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him" Psalms 126:6
"I read this verse when I was going through the interview process to come overseas for a two-year journeyman term. This verse was specifically for me, because I wept more over the decision than any other decision in my life. You see, adventure does not appeal to me in the least. In fact, the opposite characterizes me. I like to be comfortable, for my life to be consistent and to sit on the couch with my family. Yet God, in His amazing wisdom, decided to call me to go.
The uncertainity of leaving my family and their security made me cry a lot. This struggle was not with going to the ends of the earth, but simply leaving my family.Then, as I had been doing all that year, I turned to read in the Psalms; and God, once again in His amazing wisdom, gave me this verse. God promised even though there would be weeping, there would also be rejoicing.
Since the beginning of my journey, God and His Word have been so faithful. I still miss my family and weep often. But every time, God reminds me that the seed I have to sow is worth it. He reminds me that there will be songs of joy. I look forward to the day when we'll all rejoice around the throne. In the meantime, I've got some sowing to do. Many people still need to hear the story.No matter the cost, we together need to share Christ with lost people around us.
~Heavenly Father, be especially close to those young women who have left families in order to minister in international lands. Keep them content in the knowledge that You are with them and won't leave them. Help me today to be a witness to others, no matter what the cost. Amen
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