I woke up this morning with a burden on my heart.
I woke up and prayed that God would give me “eternal eyes.” I asked Him to help me not focus on what I don’t have but glory in what He has given me and where He has placed me. He knows I have struggled with thoughts of “missing out” on things back home. He knows I have cried tears and tears over what feels like an empty hole. I woke up this morning and prayed for Him to help me fight these feelings. I asked Him to help me stand against Satan’s attacks in this area.
I woke up this morning and did my Bible study.
It was on self-centeredness and God-centeredness. Of course God would do that! It’s just like Him! And I am so thankful! So many times I look with my self-centered eyes or earthly eyes. So many times we put our trust or try and find our fullness in so many other places. We find it in our material possessions. We find it in encouragement from others. We find it in our husbands or wives. We find it in what we are good at. We find it in our ministries…what we think defines us. But what really defines us in God. What really fills us is God. What really heals that longing heart is God.
I just got through watching “Faith Like Potatoes.” Such a good movie with such a powerful story. I would encourage you do watch it! Are we ready to trust that He has it all under control? Are we ready to really and truly give it all to Him? Do we really have faith that He can fill us like we need to be filled? Do we really have faith that He knows our hearts and knows what we need? Do we REALLY believe He can give it to us? I don’t think we do. I don’t think we REALLY understand. I was humbled this morning when I was spending time with Him. And I was humbled again when watching that movie. Man…if only we really understood. If only we really got “it.” I miss “it” so many times. And fall flat on my face. I miss that He is our Sustainer. I miss that He is our Provider. I miss that He sees us…in the darkest of times. I miss that He hears our prayers. Are we ready to trust? Come what may?
“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.” Psalm 20:7
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